You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Today our car was stolen from our home after my Husband warmed it to drop our children off at school and daycare. A few minutes earlier we sent our son to get his hat, Thankful he was not in the car. Please pray that Plymouth police find our car in good condition and return it to us!
Please pray for my husband James Tyger we are separated and he wants a divorce but I believe God has plans for our marriage I’m holding up our marriage covenant it’s not easy for me but I’m holding on for a miracle if God doesn’t do it it can’t be fone
Please pray for healing for my Boyfriends mother who is in ICU with COVID. Her name is Janet.
My sisters friend just lost her baby today. Please pray for peace and comfort for the family as this was their only child and they are unable to carry another one. They are looking for someone to carry another baby for them to expand their family. Please pray that they would be able to find someone and find Christ through these very unfortunate circumstances. Thank you.
Please pray for my friend Semret. She is going to have brain surgery on the 22nd of October.
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