You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
I have a very stressful job, I need the LORD JESUS to opened doors of my true destiny and purpose by confirmation and wisdom. I been seeking and knocking, The LORD would lead guide and direct and open mighty doors that I could never open on my own. To GOD be the glory. Amen
For my Families, and Place of employment
Please lift up my significant other in prayer as he recovers from his many addictions. I pray that he stays strong, makes the right choices for his recovery, finds peace and comes back home restored. In Jesus name, pray that the strong love and beautifully perfect connection we share will help us through these difficult times together.
Please pray for George, who is very depressed and just tried to commit suicide. Please pray that God will touch his heart and lift him from this depression.
I am asking for prayer for my former spouse who is struggling with alcohol addiction. He is currently in a treatment program. Pray he opens his heart to Jesus so he can be the man God has meant for him to be. Let the pain he has carried throughout his life be healed. Our 2 young children and I need him in our lives!
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