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My Aunt has ovarian cancer and will be having surgery for this Tuesday Feb 17 at the University of mn hospital. We pray they get all this out of her and she's ok. Her name is Barb Lavelle please help us pray for her in her time of need. Thank you
Pray for my friend. that she will want to deal with past relationships with men who lied to her & hurt her and not run away problems happen. May she realize all men are not bad. May God touch her heart so she will trust him. May she return home to me as well.
please pray for my marriage as I have a feeling it's about to come to an end. the devil is hard at work and my marriage of almost 3 years is crumbling right before my eyes and it hurts. thank you in advance for your prayers.
Praise God for a new sales position. Asking for wisdom, guidance and favor in training and product sales. Thank You!
Hello, Please pray for: 0.Poland, freedom from religion to God through Jesus Christ, 1. stirring up the service to the God for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughter Ann, our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15 2. God's will and wisdom for me and my family; specially for learning in school for Daniel,studying for Peter, working for Edmund, Dorothy and Ann, 3. God's order in my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Great stress and continuous attacks from bosses. I work in insurance corporation as programmer. Thank you. Edmund Krzeminski
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