You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
I need a prayer for my sister shelley she is homeless and very depressioned right now she and her daughters are living in shelter and I keep trying to help her and telling things will get better. but she still need a prayer
Hello, I'm 24-years-old and I've been recently career searching and struggling looking for good job security. I have a few jobs in the pipeline but lately it seems to lead to a dead end more than not.
I am 22 years old and a mother of three small children. My son is experiencing development issues, he will be two years old in three months and he is not walking nor is he talking. I scheduled an evaluation appointment for him this upcoming week. I am so tired of hearing the negative feedback from others when they see him, they question his ability to walk and also question his ability to talk. I just need someone to pray for my son. Please pray that he will overcome this battle.
I ask that the church help my husband find peace and happiness where God tells him to settle. And that he continues to be filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word as he pastor our house in good faith and feel the love and prayers of those closest to him in Jesus Name!
I'm asking Passion Church to please pray for my husband Thomas as he is in End Stage Kidney Failure and on Emergency Dialysis. He is being placed on a transplant list and we are praying that we find a donor for him as soon as possible. I'm certain that through prayer, we will find a Superhero to save my Superhero. Thank you for your help!
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