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I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


This week has been a tough week for me. There were 28 young man that were killed by people due to their Christianity and it broke my heart. I just wanted to pray for these young men and their heartbroken families. I know God will give them the strength through this tough time but I want to think of them through prayer.

Received: April 20, 2015

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


Today is a tough day. I just learned of the death of a young woman I’ve known since her childhood…and I feel responsible. No, I don’t mean I held a gun to her head or that I did anything to physically cause her death, but I killed her just the same. I don’t know how to handle it. A few years ago, she was working on a project with me. It was in its infancy but we spent hours talking about how much she needed this project…how it was her salvation…how she felt it was her purpose, just the thing she needed after wandering. She was so excited to be a part of it, and I was so excited to have her be involved. After months of struggling, the project died. Of course I knew I would make it work one day. After all, it was part of my destiny, but at the time the financing didn’t work out. Now I look back and say “so what?” Maybe she needed it more than I realized. Maybe it was really her salvation. Maybe it was the thing that gave her a reason to get up in the morning, the thing that gave her hope and a purpose. When it died, maybe something inside her died too…and now she’s gone. I cannot go to her funeral because I cannot face her family knowing I may have been able to make a difference in her life. I never want to feel this way again….ever. What have I learned? My destiny is not just about me. Your destiny is not just about you. It’s more important than that. You don’t have the right to give up because it’s hard or because you’re tired or because you don’t know how to get to the next step or because you’ve tried and failed before. God knew all of those things would happen when He gave you the assignment and He gave it to you anyway. Other people lives are dependent on you getting it done. If you fail or fall, it’s kind of like the dominos we stacked up as kids. One falls. They all fall. So this day I pray “Lord, please forgive me for being a wimp, for not taking the timing seriously enough and for failing you and all the people who were depending on me to get it right. Please help me to get it right. Please connect me with the right people, the right organizations and the right funding sources. Help me to not give up, to not get tired, to remember that Jesus didn’t give up when He was being beaten and hanging on the cross. Help me to fulfil everything you’ve called me to do.”

Received: April 16, 2015

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


I thank those that have already prayed for me. I am feeling defeated! I am a good humble person and have been honest with all places in which I have applied to live only to be denied because of my credit! There are only 2 items on my credit one is satisfied judgment the other I was totally unaware of.
I come to my church to ask for prayers that I find something in the next week otherwise I do not know where me and my child will end up.
I know that God has a plan for me and he is doing his work, but I pray He begins to give me some comfort becuase I am totally anxiety ridden.
Thank you.

Received: April 16, 2015

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

annette Knotz

Please pray for my sister Shelley Leon she is going through a rough patch,she and her family have been homeless for 3months and everytime they get their hopes up it seems like they get dashed and she's losing hope and faith. Please pray for her

Received: April 15, 2015

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


I am searching for an apartment for my and my children. I just need prayer that God will lead me to the perfect apartment that best suits me and my children. I have one that I really want so please pray that is is the apartment for my family! Thank you!

Received: April 13, 2015

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