You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please pray for my grandma Katie. She was just diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Please pray that a miracle will happen and it goes away.
I would love if you could all pray for my son. He's faced so many challenges in his short little life. He has behavioral issues and struggles with impulse control. Even as a grown woman my spirit has become broken from the countless phone calls and reports about his behavior. At some point you just begin to feel like a burden on the world, when all you hear is how terrible your child is. I know he's broken inside too. It hurts to watch him struggle and be singled out all the time. It hurts to watch him cry and I know he so badly wants to be like everyone else. I wish for him to have success in his education, happiness in life and to not feel the pain of others judgments any longer.'c,
Today I lost my Aunt Ruby Hodge to cancer. Please pray for my family during this difficult time.
I ask for continued prayers for Nancy Winters abd her family as she is her final days of life. I pray and ask others to join me in prayer over my friend Cara Winters during this time.
My Husband our 2 boys and I are currently homeless. We have tried everything done everything right and we still are taking steps backwards. Can't catch a break. I'm also 5 months pregnant and its taking a toll on me mentally physically, emotionally. I ask that you pray for my Husbands strength to continue to get up everyday and go to work. I know this is taking a toll on his spirit considering he is the bread winner and he takes pride in being able to support his family. I ask that you pray that we find a place fit for our family a place we can call home. Pray for us and opportunity to pop up. We aren't scared to take the walk. We know that we cant do this alone.Thank you for your prayers. God Bless
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