You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please pray that God gives me clarity during m this difficult time, that God shows me favor in all of my court proceedings. Please pray that I find the blessing in all of this.
Please pray for me and my family, we are struggling through some difficult time and need some guidance from God. Please pray for some patience and strength as we try to get through this difficult time and hope that we will find answers to our prayers.
Please pray, stand in agreement with me.That God will show me favor in court, and that my husband will agree to support our daughter, and that we can end things peacefully. Pray that God give me the strength to mourn my marriage with grace. Please pray that I'm allowed to keep my baby.
Lord I pray I find patients, gratitude and love. I know you are guiding my steps and sometimes in the midst of the storm faith is all I have. Help me not to see the faults but the purpose to this season and the people you put in my life.
In Jesus name I pray.
I want to be able to trust God during my storms and be ok letting go of those who were suppose to be in my life for only a season!
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