You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please be in prayer that I get the job with Wagner Spray Tech. I interviewed with them on Monday and the company and job seem to be a perfect fit. I would truly like to work here.
I need prayer, I need guidance. I am going through a difficult situation, and I am not sure how to gain control. I am homeless with my children and I am trying to find guidance but I'm stuck in a hard place.
I am seeking prayer for guidance and support through a difficult decision. My husband and I are struggling in our marriage, and have contemplated divorce. I recently found out I am pregnant with our 4th child. I am struggling in making decisions on how to move forward with my pregnancy and our marriage, and am asking for prayers for strength to make the right decisions.
I'm asking God to help our family to be more punctual, organized, good stewards over what we have. I'm also asking God to bless our journey of accruing investments for our kids and the future!!!
I have been going through a trying last few months. I had to humble myself to living in a place that was less than I was use to; to now being fired from my job and searching for a job. I am listening to the sermon from the first Sunday in June. I know Pastor said that he came back to talk to someone during service and I believe it was talking to me! I cried during the past two weeks in church because I have never felt so challenged.
I ask for prayer that I find the job that suits all of my skills and objectives.
I want to believe He will bring me through all of this but I ask for prayers from my prayer warriors!
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