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A s you all know, I it's now getting very tedious as the hard work of therapy continues. Bethesda Hospital I've lost most of the summer to the convalescence here and just pray that you will keep me in your prayers that I will see the strength and encouragement from the Holy Spirit to continue in my recovery bit tedious here in the same room are you in a day out just requesting prayers that I may be a boon to endure this time and that I may use this time to draw closer to him. Pray that my rehabilitation will continue in the trajectory it has and that I will continue to see a complete recovery for yet another miracle in my life blessings to everyone there a passion
As this 2015 continues to be the worst year yet for me.
Please pray for my mother who had a colonoscopy done today and the doctors are pretty sure they have found cancer.
I need sime serious strength right not. This year has been so hard on me!
This is my last year of school and I don't know if I'm going to graduate and go on to a higher learning program, also I just had a daughter and I am unable to provide for her im trying to turn my life to god for the better I just need some help just please pray for me !
My marriage and to found a home for my family and a good job full time job.
I'm a single mother of one child working two jobs while going to school. Have no family in Minnesota (family is in Wisconsin) I have problems that I can't cope with well. I have been molested, hurt, tooken advantage of, rumors and lies have been told of me, have relatives that are not speaking to me, others have doubted and talked about me.Some days I don't know how I make it through the day sometimes I want to give up but that's not an option. I pray but I don't know if God hears my prayers. I'm asking for prayers for a stronger faith, a closer relationship with God,protection for my daughter strength,good health, and education starting school on Tuesday 8/25. Thank you all for your prayers and God bless.
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