You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
My parents thankfully are okay, but they had a house fire last night and the roof caved in so they don't know if they can save anything. They are in their eighties and I want prayer to help comfort them, for me to know how to help them (they live in Nebraska) and for all to work out with where they will live. Thank God they are alive! Thank you for your prayers, I so appreciate it!!
Please pray for friends of mine, Katie and Justin. They were expecting their first child, and just delivered 2 weeks early on Friday. Their baby boy had unexpected complications after birth and passed away a day later on Saturday. Please pray for their healing and comfort.. it is so heartbreaking, they need all the prayers right now. Thank you, Chelsia
Please pray that my husband and settle with me. Pray that his heart opens and he will do what is right.
I pray to return home to God, to restore my faith and renew my strength. I pray for an abundance of new opportunities that will take me to new heights. I pray for a plan to help better my finances. I would like to mend all broken relationships in my life.
Prepare my heart to what God has called me to do. Please bring Jose along. His gifts, talents & financial means could bless Passion. Pray that God would continue to call/love me despite my fear and resolutions.
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