You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please bring my husband back to his family. Show him the love that God has to offer and show him that with us is where he belongs
please pray for my family to be back together. Please also pray for my housing situation to go well with me purchasing my 1st home.
God, You knows my pain, You know what was happened. You see everything, i came with a broken heart. he continued to hurt me and always acted as if nothing happened, insult me and throw me. I tried to cover my feelings from everyone, every day i struggle. but i couldn't stop waiting for his promise responsible on me. I am still waiting for the miracle to come one day and waiting for the touch of who reject and hurt me. God, You knows how long i have waited, i can't do anything without Your blessing. I need You Father, i need You, please don't leave me. Please Father, help me, I'm tired of crying, pain and suffering make me losing my mind. I couldn't touch his heart, please help Father touched damianus aditya christie heart for me. I was desperate, He still doesn't care about me, and have fun with another women. please I don't know how much longer I had to pretend, too painful. I put the disappointments, pain and my whole hope in Your hands, please giving miracles for me.
My mother in law is having a major procedure on her heart this morning. Please pray for her
My husband is starting a new job on Monday April 11th please pray for him to have a good training experience and good team members to help him adjust in a new work environment. Also pray for health, strength and rest for my good friends mother Judy who is retired and watches our toddlers 5 days a week. Her hours will change a bit with my husband new hours.
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