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I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


I need prayer for my Uncle Ray he is in the hosptail he has bleeding some where in side him. He going to have a tube put down his thorat today and then he will have a nother thing done. Lord Please keep my uncle safe. He is my favorite Uncle.. Thanks

Received: October 19, 2017

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


I have a pinched nerve on the left side of my neck please pray for healing. The pain is fierce! Thank you!

Received: October 16, 2017

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.

Mare adams


Lord please give me strength to let go of anxiety and have complete faith in you that we will get this house and come up with the money for extra deposit. I DONT KNOW WHY she lost her job the other day but I do know you will provide for us. I pray I don’t have to have my children in a shelter again I don’t want to put them through that but if that is what you have planned for us I hope it can make a difference for someone else as well. I Pray All My Job Interviews Go Great And You Select The Best One For Me And My family Right Now In The Name of Jesus I Pray Amen.

Received: October 15, 2017

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


Today I am praying for strength to press forward as I am struggling, today I pray for my emotional health as it seems to be taking a toll on me. I pray that God breaks me free from toxic people and relationships, release me from the pain and hurt. I pray he comes into my life and help me forgive, give me clarity and understanding through HIM so I can move forward. Praying to God for no more tears.

Received: October 5, 2017

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Melissa Callahan

Prayer for healing for my coworkers 9 day old nephew. He went in for a fever and has be given the diagnosis of meningitis. Comfort for the parents.

Received: October 4, 2017

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