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I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.

Thomas willis

Hello my precious little infant daughter suffered head injuries , bloody knee, bruised face , swollen eye and swollen bruised head after surviving an assault from the mother and mother’s brother. We were attacked by them while I was holding her in my arms the mothers brother punched her while punching me I blacked out and fell to the ground but became aware as I hit the ground and my daughters head bounced off the street cement. The police aren’t pressing charges. She still in hospital. Her name is Jylia Willis please pray for her.

Received: September 25, 2018

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.

Benjamin Olson

Please pray for God's favor to work on my behalf today. I have been struggling with many things, but I know he is above all things. Please pray for favor, strength, and deliverance from alcohol, and lust. I could also use guidance

Received: September 18, 2018

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


I am going back to school and am worried about classes and finances. I have to drop hours at work to focus on school. Pray that I will be able to make it work financially and give me the strength to do well in classes.

Received: September 12, 2018

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


Please help me pray for my marriage.. My husband was in Gods path. But now he’s wanting approval from his friends and family instead of Gods... he chose wrong friends, he drinks now goes out on wknds comes home at 2-3am.. does not want anything to do with God anymore.. Pray that God gives me guidance so I know what to do with wisdom, and that I can get spiritually stronger..

Received: September 9, 2018

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


This coming week I have an interview that would offer myself and family a substantial increase in our finances. I believe God sent this opportunity my way as only moments before I was told of this position I had been asking God to show me what I needed to do. It seemed He answered immediately! I need prayer for confidence, poise, and to interview well as I haven’t had to do so in years. I also need prayer that I pass the state exam needed to be accepted for this position before the interview. I’m only half way prepared for the test. Please pray for wisdom and knowledge in this area as well. Thank you. -J

Received: September 7, 2018

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