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I’ve always had a big struggling in casting my anxieties onto God, and I’m not sure why. I trust in him and believe in him with all my heart, it’s difficult to explain but I just can’t seem to learn how to cast my anxieties onto God. But I would really like to, I know I need to.
With everything going on the world now & we are all locked down. It has really effected my Girlfriend. Her whole day has been turned upside down from gym routines to being able to attend church.
I am really worried about her. She has also gone through some major life events in the last couple of months too.
She’s an amazing woman that has helped me find my way back to church & Christ. She supported me during my lay off.
I will continue to pray for her and everyone dealing with depression during this time.
Pastor if you have time I could use a call.
Please pray for my family as we grieve for the loss of my nephew who took his own life this past Tuesday, 3/17, in such a violent manner. Please pray that we can learn how to move on with so many unanswered questions.
That my girlfriend and I find the strength to make it past this rough time and fix our relationship issues
I am currently in a challenging healing season of my life, I was abruptly dumped through a note after 3 years and it hurt too much to stay in that town so now I am temporarily away from most of my family and friends that I miss dearly. I’m not sure where I want to live, what I want to do, and in my past I was diagnosed with PTSD from a past relationship and those overwhelming feelings and emotions are haunting me again. I just pray I get through this season with the Lord and my loved ones, I don’t want to be hurting anymore. I want to feel happy again, happy through the light of God. Thank you so much.
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